Spiritual Gift Enrollment

Spiritual Gift Enrollment

I would like to enroll the following person as an Associate Member in the Missionary Society of St. Columban to share in the Masses, prayers and work of Columban missionaries worldwide.

All members share in the following:

  • • Each year 2,000 Masses are offered for Associate Members including 100 special Masses at Easter, All Souls and Christmas.
  • • Each week special prayers are offered in all Columban houses and mission centers.
  • • Each Day the sacrifices and prayers of Columban missionaries are made throughout the world.

You must complete a new form for each membership request.

Please enroll the following individual:

* Required Fields
Enrollee Name
Field is required.
Enrollee Status

Field is required.
Enrollee Gender

Field is required.

Donation Amount

  • $10.00
  • Gift Amount$

How often would you like to give?

In Honor/Memory of Dedication

Select "In honor of" or "In memory of" from the drop down and then enter the name of the person on whose behalf you are giving. If you would like notification of your gift sent to the "honoree", please enter the name and their address. Or to send notification of your gift "In memory of", please enter the name of who is being remembered, and who you want to send the notification to and their address. Example: In Honor of Joe Smith 303 First St, Chicago, IL 60607 or In Memory of Jane Smith send to Joe Smith 303 First St. Chicago, IL 60607.

Enrollment Card Selection

Spiritual Gift Card
I do not want an Enrollment Card sent.

First Name:
Last Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
State / Province:
Zip Code:
* Required Fields
Card Signature
Field is required.
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